It’s a cruel joke you know?
That’s what Matt Fox calls it.
The cruel joke. What is this joke?
We are the only animals on this planet who know we’re going to die.
Pretty sucky, right?All other animals get to live in the moment. No anxiety for the future. No regrets of the past.
We humans fog our ability to enjoy today.
We wake up and live for the future. We fill it full of hopes and dreams, or anxiety for the bad things that might come.
We allow ourselves to be haunted by our past disappointments and mistakes.
We blame others for our situation and how they ’cause’ us to do this or that.
Consider this your reality check for today.
Let it go.
Tomorrow may not come. Don’t live for it. Don’t fear it.
Don’t regret the past. Yesterday can’t be changed.
All you have is now.
Woof woof drool sniff